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Father Tansi is gifted with a clear practical mind, notably organizing ability, an indomitable will, deep fond of warm human sympathy especially towards the under privileged and an infectious joyousness of spirit that never failed him. His priesthood seems to have about it a compelling charm whose power to attract and to draw souls never diminished but only grew greater the more he responded to the call of his Master. These and other qualities won for him everybody who happened to know him to his side. He has thousands of spiritual sons, daughters and friends everywhere. Today, these friends are increasing as his cause of canonization gains more popularity and acceptance.
These spiritual sons/daughters and friends because they love him and admire him, want to promote the Cause of his beatification. For them such effort becomes a labor of love, and a sign of appreciation for what Fr. Tansi is to them. To unify the efforts of these lovers of Fr. Tansi and others who already have individual and private devotion to Fr. Tansi, the local Postulator Rev. Emmanuel Nwosu, then a staff of All Hallows Seminary Onitsha in 1982 initiated Solidarity Prayer Group with the students of the Seminary.
The interested students came together at their free times to say the prayers on the prayer leaflet for the canonization of Fr. Tansi. The same students were encouraged to bring the Solidarity to their towns and villages during the seminary holidays. More friends of Fr. Tansi joined the group and formed themselves into praying groups. They pray individually and collectively. They have three main reasons for joining themselves together, to pray for the canonization of Fr. Tansi, imitate his example and life style and to bring others to Fr. Tansi.
Today it is an International Prayer Movement, through the untiring enthusiasm and efforts of devoted men and women of faith this group has spread beyond the borders of Nigeria and is known as the Blessed Tansi Solidarity Prayer Group. All together form a great spiritual family of prayer because they recognize themselves as sons and daughters of Blessed Tansi a simple and humble ascetic of prayer. As it were they are the first inheritors of his life of prayer and principal animators of his life style.
Spurred on and sustained by the example of their mentor and by his intercession, they emulate him in order to help all live a profound spiritual experience of ascetic charity.
1. They pray daily the official prayer for the canonization of Blessed Iwene Tansi.
2. They are encouraged to pray daily for all the intentions on the Blessed Tansi prayer list as well as for the needs and intentions of other members of the Solidarity.
3. Distribute the Blessed Iwene Tansi prayer cards, leaflet, books act. Act and do public relations for the Cause.
4. They are encouraged to promote the Cause of Blessed Iwene Tansi specially through their personal lifestyle.
5. They should notify the postulation of any activities they are planning in their area to promote the Cause.
6. As circumstances permit, Solidarity members can volunteer their time and talent to helping the work of the Postulation.
1. By promoting a Cause of a saint, members are making their journey to heaven easily and safe.
2. They are remembered in the every Monday masses celebrated at the shrine of Blessed Iwene Tansi.
3. There is a novena mass before the feast of Blessed Tansi members benefit from these masses.