The Christian Message, which the Missionaries brought to this part of the world some hundred years ago, is gradually permeating Nigeria culture. The life of those sons of the soil, who have lived out this message, now becomes a heritage. Fr. Tansi is alive in Nigeria, he speaks through the living words, which he preached and witnessed by his life and ministry.
He is leading and influencing the lives of many Nigerians, for whom he is an elder brother and an extraordinary benefactor. As an elder brother who has gone before others faithfully following Christ. He inspires others in that which is to come, his manner of life; the works of grace in him lend fresh courage and confidence to their faltering steps.
The fame of his sanctity, which already was spreading during his lifetime, increased after his death. From among the priests, religious and laity in Nigeria came a request for the introduction of his cause of beautification. In 1977, His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, then Archbishop of Onitsha started the first preliminary step towards possible beatification. He made favorable contacts with the Bishop of Nottingham in England where the where Fr. Tansi died. The cause quickly gained acceptance in Nigeria including the blessing of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria. In 1978 the same Archbishop Arinze appointed the local postulators for the cause. On 21stJune 1985, in accordance with the new norms the Apostolic Constitution. “Divinus Perfectionis Magister” Archbishop Stephen Ezeanya, the Archbishop of Onitsha consigned to the Vatican the documents required to obtain the “nihil obstat” which was added a request to transfer the diocesan process from the diocese of Nottingham {place of death}, to the Archdiocese of Onitsha {place of birth}. The Vatican after due consultations bestowed a “nihil obstat” for the opening of the Archdiocesan Informative process on the life and virtues of Fr. Tansi. The diocesan Informative process in the Cause of Fr. Tansi was opened at Onitsha on January 20th,1986 by Archbishop STEPHEN Ezeanya. And concluded with a public session on May 5th 1990 at Onitsha. The acts and other documents of Onitsha Tribunal were handed over to the Chancellor of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes for Saints Vatican on May 21st1990 by Archbishop Ezeanya himself, this marked the beginning of the Vatican process. After four and half years of serious and diligent study of the Onitsha Acts, on 11thJuly, 1995, a decree recognizing the heroic life and virtues of Fr. Tansi was issued in the Vatican process and on 25thJune 1996 another decree recognizing the miraculous cure attributed to the intercession of Fr. Tansi. With these two decrees in favour of the Cause, the road to Fr. Tansi beatification was opened. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria made a request to the Holy Father to come to Nigeria to beatify Fr. Tansi. this drew the attention of the universal church to Nigeria. He was beatified March 22, 1998 at Oba Nigeria by John Paul 11. Proclaimed Patron of Nigerian Priests June 3, 2010.
Fr. Tansi seems to have been given to us by Christ to lead us all back to Christ himself. All cannot follow him to the Priesthood and religious life, but all can follow him to his love and concern for others especially the less privileges the sick and the poor, his faith in God, his prayer life and absolute trust in God, his contempt of the worldly riches, pride and pleasure and his concern for the things of the other world. All these are all within the reach of all Nigerians.
One of the reasons why Mount Saint Bernard Monastery England allowed the remains of Fr. Tansi to be returned to Nigeria was that the return and eventual canonization would bring much spiritual benefit to Nigeria where he speaks through the living words, which he preached and witnessed by his life and ministry. This heritage has the dynamism and impulse that can dominate events of Nigerians and guide their path on the road to life. The vitality and perpetuity of his life are the safe foundation of Nigeria Church. Since the introduction of the Cause of his beatification and the return of his mortal Remains to Nigeria the phrase “making a saint” and “becoming a saint” have become a common phrase in most Nigerian languages. The activities of Fr. Tansi Solidarity Prayer Movement have created much spiritual awareness and spiritual relief among many people. The Cause of Blessed Tansi has become a powerful means of evangelization in Nigeria.
(1) Pray daily for the conclusion of this Cause. Priests and Religious should celebrate his cult in areas permitted by law.
(2) Join the Blessed Iwene Tansi Solidarity Group in your area or become a private devotee of Blessed Iwene Tansi and recite daily the prayer for the canonization.
(3) Become a Benefactor: Even though only God can make Saints, they can only be proclaimed saints officially by the Holy Father. These are a lot of work required, printing of material, travels, and compensation for the officials and expects. These are long and expensive process. If the postulation is to carry out its work property, it needs the financial support of its benefactors. Whatever contribution can be made, little or big, is appreciated and helps our Cause.
(4) Promote the Blessed Iwene Tansi Solidarity Prayer Movement: This group has done a great amount of work in promoting Blessed Tansi both in Nigeria and elsewhere. They have been the main stream in distributing his prayer leaflets, book etc to thousands of people. This not only helps to make Blessed Iwene Tansi popular but also promotes his writings and lifestyle to a new generation of Catholics, but it also helps to provide the much-needed spiritual help that our catholics need today.
(5) If some one feels he or she has received a favor, big or small through the intercession of Blessed Iwene Tansi, please notify the postulation for the Cause so that a complete record of these favors received may be kept.
Postulation, Cause of Blessed Iwene Tansi
P.O.Box 411. Onitsha, Nigeriae
E-mail – Postulationtansi@yahoo.com